2020. 01. 22
The Sound Of Music, Laibach live in Hong Kong
Photos: Hertz Huie(B&W), Elton Fung
Ceci N'est Pas Un Concert
2014: Laibach, Hong Kong, Umbrellas.
2019: Teargas, Hong Kong, Laibach.
Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures. Six years ago, Laibach brought us the New Cultural Revolution, and since then things can never be the same. An idea mutated, became bullet-proof. A threshold crossed, spilling over en masse and spreading like wildfire. Now, as fate would have it, Laibach will be revisiting Hong Kong on 22nd January 2020.
Tomorrow is cancelled. The new epoch belongs to the determined. The time is now. With materials from Also Sprach Zarathustra, Laibach Revisited and The Iron Sky – the Coming Race, Laibach will also be performing for Hong Kong their reinterpretations of The Sound Of Music - songs which were debuted in DPRK – drawing from a film that was based in an era on the cusp of one of the darkest episodes of recent human history, a story of flight from Das Dritte Reich invasion. These very songs were once an aegis to transcend and obfuscate that horror. With the myriad grotesque and nightmarish situations that face us in this strange and uncomfortable moment in time, we require strange and uncomfortable art made by those who have empathy and understanding. With The Sound Of Music, Laibach comes to us, holding up a mirror to a riven world. What happened in Hong Kong, stayed in Hong Kong. It is now up to us to make tomorrow happen.
The Sound Of Music, Laibach live in Hong Kong, 22nd January, 2020
Chan Shu Kui City Hall (North Point Welfare Association), 210 Java Road, North Point, HK.
山不可以無泉。石不可以無苔。革焉可無命!陸年之先,拉爸遠道攜來一場文化之新革命,別有深思,令人猛省。石火之一敲,電光之一瞥,非槍彈之所能阻抗,理念也。 今緣之所至,決於貳零貳零年壹月貳拾貳日香江再敘,必有兵刃。此乃古今一因一果必然之數也!