2022. 10. 15
Disco Silencio
Radio Cata
Photos: Alice Sees
Disco Silencio
在如此荒誕的時代,Catalyst 仍然不遺餘力地為各位獻上Disco Silencio,一個充滿着經典金曲的狂歡夜晚-4 條頻道將以3小時馬拉松式播放著我們精心挑選、風格千變萬化(甚至達至狂躁級別)的曲目,期間又隨意地混合搗碎及干擾音頻,刺激你的耳膜。手從流行樂曲到工業噪音,廣東快歌至暴力GABBER,Cata電台堅定不移徹底物理清零,癱瘓你的聽覺神經。
為得到最佳體驗,請攜帶自己的立體聲耳機(注意:並不是藍牙耳機),並確保你的手機有手動收音機應用程式(例如 FM Radio for Android 或 radio app for iphone)。 The Catalyst屆時會有少量電台接收器提供,先到先得。歡迎當日Walk-in,預先留位者將可獲得日式燒年糕一份。
Radio Cata presents
Disco Silencio
In times like this, the Catalyst is still chuffed enough to present you Disco Silencio, an evening of good old music and joy. 4 channels simultaneously broadcast a wildcat selection of eclectic (verging on chaotic at times) musical genres, for a 3-hour nonstop marathon of mixed mashed and jammed audio overloads, from the hard of hearing to the hyper-sensitised auricular stimulation. From Pop to industrial, Canton to Gabba, radio Cata is hell bent on making you nerves wiggle, however involuntarily it may be.
For the best experience, please bring along your own set of stereo headphone (not blue tooth) and make sure your mobile phone has a manual radio tuner app (such as FM Radio for android or radio app for iphone). The Catalyst has a small number of analogue radio receivers, subject to availability.
Register in advance can enjoy a free Japanese grilled rice cake.
Tune in, turn on, dance off.
2022. 10. 15
The Catalyst: G/F, No.2 Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan
RSVP: info@xevarion.org (welcome walk-in)