The Catalyst
a space to ( = )

17th October 2021
1st Annual Report
3rd Wave Course Opening
13:30 Live Performance
at the Catalyst
3rd Wave Studio Opening 17:00
at 186 Hollywood Road
photos: alice sees

When the Catalyst opened its door a year ago, the reception was as mixed as the shows were caustic. Our ‘First Annual Report’, a series of theatrical / performance activities will take place in Po Yan street, Sheung Wan, where the visual and aural experience should devour thought and tear preconception apart, to celebrate a year of artistic defiance and off stream cultural triumph.
We’re also pleased to announce the launch of our new 3rd Wave art classes, please join us at our brand new studio in Hollywood Building (Map) after the performance programmes for 3rd Wave’s open day reception and light refreshments.
二〇二〇年是不尋常的一年。The Catalyst在有史以來最猛烈的風暴中毅然逆流而上,從一年前開幕至今,為開闢藝術這片艱難天真又諸多禁忌之域扮演(或許過份)積極的角色。在這份「年度首次報告」中,The Catalyst繼續採取一貫激進策略,以連串舞台演出慶祝過去一年天氣不似預期備受衝擊仍屹立不倒的嚇人成果,並瞻望在無法獲得合理數據的預測下…未受搖擺的強勁走勢。
與此同時,The Catalyst隆重呈獻全新的 3rd Wave 藝術課程,誠邀各位在滙報結束後,前往距離畫廊只有2分鐘路程,位於荷里活大樓的3rd Wave新工作室開放日(見地圖),一同暢飲聊天。